Request for checks for vendors will be delayed if the following procedures are not followed:
- Check Request Submission:
- Always include signed attachments before submitting a check request for approval by Fr. Tommy, necessary for audit purposes:
- Signed Invoice indicating approved for payment/received
- Signed Packing Slip (if none included, note on the invoice that products were received, including the date)
- Advance Payment Orders:
- Attach a copy of the order or other documentation/forms for payments made in advance (full payment or deposit).
- For retreats, seminars, workshops, provide list of participants. If registration fees are required from participants, list amount each participant paid.
- Indicate on the request that the final invoice and packing slip, if applicable, will be forwarded upon delivery.
- Follow up with the necessary paperwork after delivery or completion.
- Charge Cards and Tax Exemption:
- Cards available for checkout with tax exemption on file:
- HEB, Hobby Lobby, Lowes, Office Depot, Walmart.
- Note: No general Sam’s membership card is available; use Walmart for comparable tax-exempt purchases.
- Always inform the cashier about tax exemption before checkout begins. (Lowes now allows tax exemption indication at self-checkout.)
- Procedures for Using Charge Cards:
- Avoid using personal funds; utilize charge cards/vendors whenever possible.
- Check out cards ahead of time and ensure availability.
- Sign the log indicating you are checking out the card.
- Return card same day or start of day next business day.
- Make sure you sign the log indicating you returned the card
- Taxes will not be reimbursed when purchases are made with personal funds.
- Retain and sign the receipt. (requirement of the Archdiocese)
- Attach the receipt to an 8-1/2 X 11 sheet or the check request form (to avoid misplacement).
- Turn in the receipt to Cynthia with the correct coding and a description of items purchased.
- Texas Sales and Use Tax Exemption Certification:
- We have many existing vendors with established tax exempt status. If none of these vendors provide the product/service you need, then
provide the following information for obtaining a tax exemption certificate: - Seller, Complete Address, Description of items (or attach order/invoice).
- Plan ahead to ensure the certificate is prepared and signed in time for shopping.
- Determine from the vendor how/to whom the certificate should be submitted for tax exemption.
- Tax Exemption Certificates only be signed by authorized staff members (Cheryl Wise or Cynthia Simper)